Anna Pulley 

I’m an author, former journalist, and flesh pillow to a codo cat. I write about love, writing, disability, obsession, & being awkward at sex parties—though here I mainly write about creativity, hope, and living life on your own terms.

The surprising similarities between querying and online dating.

What Tinder taught me about finding an agent
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A random signal boost for some writers I love seeing in my inbox:

- for sharp takes and pathos on feminism, sexuality, motherhood, and thirst-trappy wood choppers

- on caretaking, dementia, and on Dirty Girl Diaries (addiction, sex work, recovery, self-discovery)

- heart-filled and funny essays + pop culture, queerness, and writing

- the best, non-cringey marketing advice hands down (IG specific but you can use a lot of it elsewhere)

- on how to write better romance novels