Transportation Presentation Snapshot:
-Hazardous Roads are deemed and defined by the district not the police department .
-No “extreme” situations but from the perspective of student walkers and drivers, there are areas of improvement
-Liability of having parents buckle special education students on busses
-Courtesy bussing is inconsistent - some areas receiving bussing do not need it and some areas need it;
-MKM does not have proper signage designating school zones in both directions
-CMS - we could not hear anything said, -General routing and bussing inefficiency, software was cited
- busses are driving routes that do not make sense.
-Recommends the person running the transportation program is not also driving a bus route, of course In extenuating circumstances but not a good practice; supervisor in his/her office when the bus routes are being ridden for proper and important communication with the Business Administrator and Superintendent;
-Consistency in transportation operations and road markings are crucial, and it also displays an effort in ensuring student, pedestrian and driver safety; -3m reflective paint, due to salting and road traffic