
yep, bilbos brain-food recipe

home made pancetta 50gram diced

10+ gloves of baby garlic ( large garlic cloves are onamental, small cloves are preferred for asian cooking, while I admit that Italians like to slice the big, asians like to smash the small )

Fry some garlic&pancetta in lots of extra virgin olive oil, add tons of chilis all kinds of chilis & peppers; saute Onions too

Add some water and cover with slice eggplants long style red or green; cook covered on low +30 min, then add oyster sauce, soy sauce, and what ever; I like soy-bean paste fermented; Many asians use it Korean is probably the best;

Turn off the head leave covered 20min, and then spoon over rice, add more hot water if more ‘gravy’ is desired; Add ¼ cup cold water and tbl-spoon of corn-starch (or flour) if thick style is desired, I find that by covering both during slow cook of eggplant and later covering that the eggplant starches go into the gravy and thicken naturally

I never cook with salt or sugar, never, but lots of people do, up to you; IMHO sugar & salt are some of the biggest health killers around, which is why restaurant food is so terrible;

Sure most asian/ chinese do the hot wok stir fry, but I prefer the french cocquvin style of cooking, where its low&slow; Asians like HOT&FAST;

I think that low&slow is best, just like making cajun-style mexican beans, two days to soak, smoke your own ham-hocks and then low&slow cook your beans and smother with gravy all of cuba, and the entire regions eat this brain food; ( tons of chilis )
