
Arguably the best photo I’ve ever taken using my phone of an ominous stranger on horseback approaching lazy cattle on a chalk hilltop beneath an irascible sky.

The Most Unsettling Walk I've Ever Taken

A place for your ideas to land.

The great Alan Watts was born on this day in 1915.

“The poets and sages have, indeed, been saying for centuries that success in this world is vanity. “The worldly hope men set their hearts upon turns ashes”… The world, they are saying, is a mirage. Everything is forever falling apart and there’s no way of fixing it, and the more strenuous…

Alan Watts: “Who or What Am I?”

Four years on and much of the reaction from the days after January 6 still rings true.

Remembering January 6, 2021

Today I surpassed 200,000 subscribers. I never thought this was possible. My thanks to all of you who have supported me on this journey.

I spent way more time than I’d like to admit scouring the Internet looking at athlete wedding photos and a very obvious floral pattern emerged.

TLDR: Less white and green arches, more Brrch Floral weddings (IYKYK).

Why Do All Athlete Weddings Look The Same?