Bronwen Tate 

Writer. Reader. Teacher. Author of The Silk the Moths Ignore (2021). Creative Writing faculty at UBC in Vancouver.
Marc Perez Livestream Link Correction
Roasted Root Vegetables with Lemony Black Kale and Delicious Salty Things
Nancy Reddy Grabbed a Stack of Index Cards and a Roll of Painter's Tape

Congratulations to Lois Eustis Tate on this amazing book and all her work on it, and to Bronwen for this terrific interview.

Lois Eustis Tate Needed to Be More Forthcoming About Who She Was

Sending appreciation to all teachers pushing through this final stretch! Also, this poem by Jessica Cuello needs to be read by all teachers frustrated by corporatized inservice.

My mom just published her first book at 79!

It’s a memoir/biography of celebrated Canadian potter Wayne Ngan and their lifelong friendship.

Today’s newsletter interview is with her and digs into the writing problem of how to condense hours and hours of interviews and life stories into a coherent narrative.

Lois Eustis Tate Needed to Be More Forthcoming About Who She Was

Being a writer means dealing with rejection. So, I adore this poem by

, my entry for today’s commonplace book club:

Made smaller

by rejection


The day I got tenure my dad went to the ER with pain and shortness of breath and was diagnosed with acute leukemia.

A little over a month later, I took a day away from the hospital, where I was spending almost all my time, to get my first tattoo.

Here are some notes on all of this that kept circling my mind on walks or in the shower.

My Tenure Tattoo