The app for independent voices

I always love these tech shorts,

. Thanks! So clear! I overhauled in January when I had more content uploaded - based on what I experienced can I share: - While the 'Tags list' in settings looks infinite it isn't.

If you have too many tags, when you go to customise the site, your 'full selection' of tags may not be visible.

So if folks are making tags now, may I suggest - making a defined list of tags max 6-8 first, changing a few articles 'tags' and see how it looks?

Also when I did the switch up in January I had a massive spike in my 'views' because I was looking into each article and it was counted as 'direct view'. Everyone's going to 'spike' their numbers this week I think ;-)

Sections vs. Groups Explained (in 4.2 minutes) [updated 2025]
Mar 4, 2024
10:40 PM