
The app for independent voices

It's not a cult. But it's not not a cult.

F3 started as a few guys working out in a parking lot at 5 AM. Today, it’s 100,000 men suffering and growing together on 6 continents.

I talked to their leader to find out WTF is going on. His answers surprised me. A few of my favorites:

  • Why F3 is for men only.

F3: Empowering Men Through Fitness and Community

Be Catholic first. Not conservative or liberal first. Not American or any other nationality first. Everything else should be secondary and subordinate to our Christian faith.

The R&A is quick to shoot down talk of a Turnberry return on (irony alert) it’s inability to make as much money as other options.

R&A (Still) Opposed To Turnberry Open Rota Return

You made it, you own it

You always own your intellectual property, mailing list, and subscriber payments. With full editorial control and no gatekeepers, you can do the work you most believe in.

Is Easter actually ‘late’ this year?

“Flight into Egypt” by Ren Yifang

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"I suppose in some way I see a program for old people as a program for the future me. But maybe that’s like the old crack about every working man thinking he’s a future billionaire." Being a young housing advocate who kind of supports tax relief for seniors:

Solidarity Or Generational Theft?