
The app for independent voices

Beware: Feminists are rebranding!

Feminists have killed the "girl boss."

Turns out, women actually don’t want male work ethics- who would have thunk?

Enter the "soft girl," living a "soft life"—a perversion of femininity.

The fundamental problem with progressivism — and I say this as someone who was a leftist for my entire life, until maybe five years ago—is that progressives want there to be a different reality than the one that is, and become angered when confronted with reality, and blame whoever is presenting that reality to them for being the perpetrator of whatever unpleasant or imperfect reality presented.

I could never post this one enough.

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From the archives
Beware the work of Dr. Bob Schuchts, Sr. Miriam Heidland, and the JPII Healing Center

The Catholic Church is both conservative and liberal, both ordered and open, both a builder of walls and a builder of bridges. To seize upon one side at the expense of the other is necessarily to misunderstand her.

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Be Catholic first. Not conservative or liberal first. Not American or any other nationality first. Everything else should be secondary and subordinate to our Christian faith.