
I'm not a religious or even spiritual man, but I do know there's more than just “this”.

During my time working Death Row, I was mopping the corridor between DR-1 and DR2. My eye caught movement and when I looked up, one of the residents on the Row was just there walking towards me. He wasn't shackled, there were no guards escorting him.

Understand that in order to be in that long doorless corridor with me, he had to get past five locked doors/gates and two Sally port guards all while being unnoticed by a trillion cameras.

Yet here he was just walking heavy all by himself in my fk'n corridor.

He didn't even look at me until he got within about 10 feet.

Mind you, I'm near my peak during this time. I had seen and been a part of things they wouldn't put into a snuff film. I'd literally been killed already once before. I'm fast and experienced and an absolute monster in a fight.

Yet this man looked me in the eye and I understood in every fiber of my being that if he decided to make a move on me, there would be absolutely nothing I could do to prevent him from taking my life.

He simply walked past me as if I were nothing more than the mop in my bucket. I didn't even realize I was holding my breath with my back pressed against the wall until he rounded the corner into T-quarter.

Then things got loud. The T-quarter guards spotted him and immediately hit the alarm. Guards poured from every section inside Death Row to their location. I watched as this guy didn't fight them. They piled on and he simply kept trying to walk towards the Last Mile corridor, the only exit out of there.

No one got hurt and they wrestled him back to his cell. Lots of inquiries and investigations followed regarding how he got out. Though I was interrogated, I have absolutely no idea what conclusions we're ever reached, if any.

What I do know is this: if something that terrifyingly evil, beyond anything I believe a human being can be, where it emanated from him like a sphere of dread, exists, then that’s proof to me that there's more.

And if something like him exists, then I have to conclude that things different from him exist as well.

I know just enough to know that I don't know and that, for me, is proof enough.

To use a concept everyone can understand; by introducing me to a devil you proved to me the existence of god.
