
Sep 7

Oh dear…. I mean, i kind of get it. The platform needs to be open to anyone who wants to be on here. Fine. But two comments

  1. To the point about the ‘anti-semitism’ commented on above. Yes, that exists on here. But, as much as i find that repugnant, i do not advocate it being suppressed or removed unless some dingbat is actually, explicitly calling for any of my jewish brothers or sisters to be killed, maimed or hurt. But to be arguing that point whilst someone from CNN and WaPo is being glorified (more on that shortly) on here is rather unbalanced. Because the damage some nutty Jewish hating wanker with a couple of hundred followers can achieve on here pales in comparison to the unbelievable harm that both those institutions have caused over the last 25 years. They both pedalled the WMD story like crazy - despite there being a number of knowledgable voices at the time making contrary claims. You know, like UN weapons inspectors. Look at the damage those lies gave birth to. This pattern has carried on right through 2008, Russiagate and the pandemic up until now. Don’t even get me started on the current war and chinese relations situation, full of journalistic malpractice and just outright stenographer activity for savagery, both economic and military.

  2. And Hamish, i have a lot of time for much of what is happening here and how resolute you guys have been in avoiding suppression/censorship. But i’m not going to pull my punches here. What the literal fuck? Seriously mate, pull your head out of your ass and get the dollar signs out of your eyes because down this path there be demons that will poison this thing really quickly. Catherine is free to write or do whatever it is she’s going to do on here of course, and i welcome having the chance to debate with her as and when possible. But she neither needs extra promotion from you folks at the head of the table, nor do CNN or WaPo need the sheen of respectability that such an introduction gives to the growing audience on here. This is a trend i’ve been noticing more and more. Even removing politics and personal opinions from it…. Come on, this does not smack of in depth and reliable reporting that will really discuss anything meaningful about 2024, given the recent record of virtually every so called reporter in those vaunted institutions over the past 20 odd years. Christ, they can’t even give a ½ inch to Cornel, and the column inches and shiny teeth count for RFK Jr is only to disparage him. Isn’t that just plainly unbalanced, political partisanship masquerading as balanced reporting from legacy prestige institutions that traded journalism for fluffing as a trade some time ago?

    Sorry dude, but this kind of thing has repercussions. And we’re in such a precarious place as a species right now that shit like this really makes my blood boil. And, because i expect better from the team that built this thing, so i’m just trying to be that icey bucket of water in the face. Think, substack think.
