
I managed to write this one when I saw it, so it won’t be lost to object impermanence, like the last. (Although I did find that one again).

Thanks you

for the challenge.

Here’s my 3 minutes of writing on Paradox.

The paradox of my neurodivergent brain, that craves order and routine, but gets bored and wants a new challenge. That wants to try all the things but is overcome with anxiety by the uncertainty of the new. That craves connection to others but hides in the shadows too scared of rejection to risk reaching out. That is called cold and unemotional while feeling all the feelings for everyone else as well as myself. To desperately want to follow the rules, but only the ones that make sense, and what about the ones I can’t see? To be not enough, but also too much.…

Three-minute writing challenge: Paradox
A quick-fire writing challenge. I'll supply the prompt, you supply the words: one sentence or paragraph. It's like a creative pot luck. Wherever this sends you is the direction you need.