What does it feel like to be of the elite? Or does that not make sense as a question?

I’m arguably of the cultural elite, but I don’t know what it feels like, aside from a low level security that I’m not excluded from something.

I know people who are inarguably of the financial elite, and they mostly seem a bit off kilter and uninteresting to me. They have access to power and the things that wealth can buy you, but it doesn’t seem like it feels like much of anything special to them. I don’t get that vibe from them.

I entirely understand wanting financial security and, if you don’t have it, being jealous of those who do. But I sometimes wonder if a great deal of the jealousy and resentment that isn’t rooted in financial deprivation or some other kind of tangible misery is premised on an illusion about what it feels like to be elite.

What am I missing?

Apr 16
1:09 AM