“You only care about this because you’re a blind and stupid unthinking sheep who’s too oblivious to realize you’re being puppeteered by a male supremacist overlord” is a tough pill to swallow for a great many people like me who are not, in fact, motivated by power but by real life suffering experienced by the victims of the same bad ideas she tacitly sanctions. I promise I do not gain any power by speaking out against the trans lobby, nor am I at all interested in helping patriarchal men retain control. In fact, every time I speak, I am bombarded with a forcefield of opposition from the very institutional power that seems to prop up du Mez’ work. She’s got the power of the New York Times, the mainstream media, big pharma, and a gazillion other gazillionaire organizations behind her, but it doesn’t seem to occur to her that they could, by chance, be puppeteering her as well. She’s too smart for that possibility.