“Spatial Computing”: My take on the Apple visionPro VR headset: Apple has built a very good VR headset at a price/performance sweet spot. It has decided that the principal intended use of the headset is as a simulator of AR glasses that we cannot yet build. The people who are now and will be enthusiasts for the Apple visionPro are and will be those who hypnotize themselves into believing they are wearing the AR headset of five to ten years from now—the one that the current VR headset is simulating. They will be excited, happy, and find multiple use cases. For the rest of us? I think that the immersive video and other entertainment use cases are highly likely to be truly compelling for a slice of the rich. And if you have a use for an environment in which you have a mac computer with eight virtual iPads distributed around it, you will be happy as well. But the crusaders will be those who have fallen under the influence of the reality distortion field, and think they are using not the AR simulator VR headset that is but the AR glasses that may someday be:

Nilay Patel: Apple Vision Pro review: magic, until it’s not: ‘The Apple Vision Pro is the best consumer headset anyone’s ever made—and that’s the problem…. … <theverge.com/24054862/apple-vision-pro-…>
