
Neofascism: The Financial Times Editorial Board—the Financial Times Editorial Board!—expresses its dismay that a majority of the U.S. Supreme Court is willing to put its thumb on the scale to support the neofascist cause in America. One would think that it would not have taken even one Putin to convince people that neofascist kleptocrats are the natural enemies of people in general but of plutocrats too, and that carrying water for insurrectionists is a really bad idea. Still, I do find their willingness to call a spade a spade very heartening:

Financial Times Editorial Board: The US Supreme Court has helped Donald Trump: ‘Nobody denies that the wheels of justice should be allowed to take their course. In this case, however, the court has repeatedly dragged out the process…. The court could have chosen to hear the oral arguments next week, as Smith requested—and as the urgency of the question demands. Instead, they will not hear the case until April 22, which was the last possible date in their term. This means that their ruling may not be published until as late as July…. Bush vs Gore… [that] settled the 2000 presidential election in favour of George W Bush was issued a day after the court heard the oral arguments. When the court wants to act fast, it does—and this argument is as pressing as any the court has faced in recent history…. Few legal brains have any doubt about the final outcome…. The former president’s legal team is playing for time. The fact that a majority of Supreme Court justices are apparently willing to go along with that is a matter of the gravest concern. In this case, justice delayed would be justice denied… <…>
