MAMLM: Nvidia is now trying to become Apple – roar up and down the stack in the hope of creating enough integration the sheer fact of that integration and the benefits from it will prevent it from being sliced to death as each thing is that it does gets commoditized:
Richard Waters: ‘NVIDIA’s “full-stack” approach… processors… interconnects… central processing units… to manage the process… software… programming models and libraries of code… Cuda…. The more tools that Nvidia and its partners create to take its technology deeper into individual industries—something currently happening at lightning speed—the more invested they will be in its underlying chip architecture…. Pre-trained AI models… calls NIMs… “co-pilots”… integrated into IT processes…. All of this has had Wall Street analysts salivating about which Big Tech markets Nvidia will turn to next…. For now, focusing the entire computing stack on satisfying the red-hot demand for AI chips makes sense. For would-be chip rivals, this week’s event was a daunting reminder of the speed at which Nvidia is moving and the sheer range of complementary technologies it is building… <…>