
A Blank Page Listens

Space that doesn't rush, space that doesn't judge

I don't have to make sense and I don't have to be captivating

I don't have to tell a story that keeps your attention so your mind won't wander

You're here holding space for me to spill

To take as long as I want

You won't try to speak over me, you won't take over the conversation

You'll give me what I need

Space to spill

To say everything I hold in because everyone is so busy talking to me

Pouring out to me that they don't realize I need that outlet too

I need the space to talk

If they would just stop

Be silent

Be open

Be patient

Let me make you my listener for once

Let me be the one taking up space

I deserve space

Thank you blank page

Why am I a writer

Because that's the only way

The only way I can pour in my flow

You're my blank page to fill, you're my friend

What do I want to say?

Oh so much

My mind is full of scenarios and doubts and complexities

I live in my own little world, surrounded by a world that doesn’t take the time to listen

I show myself grace.

You've gotten yourself this far baby girl and you're doing the best that you can.

You deserve magic

You deserve your own listener

You deserve to be heard

You deserve to take up all the space

You deserve

You deserve

You deserve

Know that in your bones and talk

Talk above them

Talk to them


Make them listen

Pages that no one will ever read shouldn't be your only outlet

Your words matter

They deserve to be read

Blank page, thank you for letting me blaze my own trail and get where I need to

The road back to me
