Dr.Kerrie Vytlacil,PhD 

Artist. Caregiver. Dancer. Educator. Fitness Instructor. Graphic Designer. Health Coach. Instructional Designer. MARRIED. Military Spouse. Professor. Torah Student. Virtual School Developer. Voracious Reader. Webmaster. Wife. Writer. Yeshua Follower.

Most people think they lack confidence. They don't. They lack evidence. Confidence isn't something you "feel"—it's something you earn by proving to yourself that you can endure, push, and overcome. Stop waiting to feel confident. Act, and it will follow.

Overheard at work:

“The next 4 years are a going to be just like Nazi Germany in the 40s.”

The same person has said nothing about the antisemitism from the far-left for the past 16 months.

Antisemitism is antisemitism. There is no left or right.

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It only takes five minutes to break the cycle.

Five minutes of exercise and you are back on the path. Five minutes of writing and the manuscript is moving forward again. Five minutes of conversation and the relationship is restored.

It doesn’t take much to feel good again.