Dr. Paul D. Fitzgerald 

I share skills to help you create a flourishing life • Overcoming barriers to that life ISN'T ENOUGH! • We flourish with well-being: positive emotions, engaged passion, positive relationships, energizing passion, and building fulfilling achievements.

Have you noticed:

People don’t change their minds because they lose an argument.

But they might if they feel heard.

Facts and logic rarely sway beliefs, because those beliefs are rooted in identity, emotion, and a sense of belonging. If you want to shift someone’s perspective, start by making them feel seen and heard.

Empathic connection seems too slow when we feel the house is burning down. Yet, it has the potential to everything. To bridge the gaps, break through the noise, undo the disconnect, and create the comm-unity we desperately need to restore.

You don’t expect a grocery list to break your heart. Until it does.

I was filling shelves in the baking aisle, when I noticed her—an elderly woman clutching a handwritten grocery list that looked like it had been folded and unfolded a hundred times.

She kept glancing at it, then at the shelves, then back at it—like the list itself might ch…

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My 5-year old Buddy is in the budding artist stage of life. So, I got the privilege of sitting for one of his first portraits. It’s a keeper.

I recall a story when a man complained to Picasso about his paintings. He pulled out a picture of his wife and told the artist, “Here’s my wife!” Picasso looked at for a minute and replied, “She l…