Lauren Streicher MD 

Gynecologist, Menopause & Sexual Medicine expert, Professor of ObGyn Northwestern University, Senior Research Fellow Kinsey Institute, certified #menopause practitioner. Author, Multimedia
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The Case for Seeing a Gynecologist No Matter How Old You Are

More likely than not, if you are over 65, your primary care doctor has declared everything between your belly button and your thighs to be the “NO NEED” zone.

NO NEED for a pap

NO NEED for a speculum

NO NEED to remove your underpants

NO NEED to see a gynecologist

FACT: 20% of new cervical cancer cases occur in women over age 65

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MEN!!!! It’s your turn.

I am doing a podcast segment on what MEN want to know about MENOPAUSE

I need your QUESTIONS

I need your COMMENTS

I need to know what you wish someone would EXPLAIN to you