Dumisani Washington 

Founder & CEO of the Institute for Black Solidarity with Israel (IBSI); Author of "Zionism & the Black Church: Why Standing with Israel Will be a Defining Issue for Christians of Color in the 21st Century."

Beginning in 2022,

Christians in Iran gave warnings to Christians in the US/West about the persecution coming our way.

Beginning October 8, 2023, Israelis began warning Americans about the new wave of jihad attacks coming our way.

Last year, Igbo from Nigeria warned the world that, if Islamists finally conquer Africa, โ€œthatโ€™s it.โ€

Prophets come in many different forms โ€” but they are rarely heeded.

Americans who support Israel


Americans who demonize Israel while ignoring our real enemies


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Men cannot become women, nor vice versa. If you are willing to lie about something so fundamental, you have no right to be taken seriously on anything else you say.