HOW TO CUT CORN 🔪🌽(without the kernels flying all over your kitchen)

Thanks to wild amounts of rain in Ontario this summer, corn season has come early!🎅🏻

I use it in salads, soups, pasta… I literally cook with corn everyday. 🥗🥣🍝

Everyone cuts the kernels standing the cob on its end. Bad idea. That just launches the kernels to random corners of your home … you’ll still be finding them in December. 🫣

Instead, turn the cob on its side, horizontally on the cutting board, and slice off long even strips. The corn will come off in neat, even pieces. You can then turn the cob upright to quickly slice off the remaining corners. ⚔️

Let me know if this kitchen tip helps!

9:35 PM
Jul 29