
My first, superficial impression is: "Such a wise man, and allowed himself to get involved in alchemy." There must have been a wide development gap between physics and chemistry. What Newton discovered in physics, an invented in maths, is still valid today (unless we peer into the micro world of quantum mechanics). The hunt for "philosopher's stone" turned out to be a delusion.

In two or three centuries, what will future generations discover in _our_ notes? What science today is as strong as Newton's physics: coherent, validated, universal? What of our today's pursuits are as delusional as alchemy?

We can calculate the shape of wind turbines to maximise their efficiency, and develop effective vaccines. This is the path of Newton's "Principia...". Some dream about colonising Mars. This is alchemy.

Newton's Alchemy Notes
"☉ ☽ ♂ ♃ ☿"