Do yourself a favor and watch this new documentary on the life and work of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin.

May God forgive the Church for what they did to this man. We are blessed that his vision of the Cosmic Christ survived the dogmatic censure of his Church. He is the Bruno and Galileo of the 20th century.

The Jesuits and several popes have since mostly come around, but at the time his superiors would have much preferred to silence him and destroy his writings.

Teilhard believed that God creates the world by allowing it to create itself. God creates with and through evolution. The world is not God’s toy machine, invented upon a whim. But in a sense we are a divine experiment. Cosmogenesis is God’s decision (not a result of but the ongoing act itself) to become flesh and blood, water and vine, darkness and light. God is Infinite Love, and to fully feel and express that divine relational power found it necessary to be born and die as an embodied creature.

The world-process is spirit’s fall into matter in order to learn what could not be known from beyond space and time. God longed to know death, and so dove heart first into gravity, mixing with mud in marriage to Mother Earth.

Evolution is incarnation. Christ (wed to Sophia, or the World-Soul) is the Life of this Earth, and we are each of us members of Their Body.

Aug 5
5:07 AM