Justin Foster 

Co-founder of Massive Change, an advisory firm for systems shakers and history makers. Enlightened redneck, cowboy poet, curious writer. Believer in Divine Love, science, and creativity. Coffee, bourbon, and country music purist.

Watching Dana White’s fawning “welcome home” to the Tate brothers reminds me of this conviction:

It doesn’t matter how effective Trump’s policies are.

It doesn’t matter if he makes you more money, cuts your taxes, or appointed judges you like. It doesn’t matter if you think he’s a “fighter”, “gets you” or is some kind of necessary wrecking ball. None of that erases the fact that he is a sexual predator, a misogynist, a racist, and a seditionist. He violated his oath of office. He tried to overtur…

Mark Cuban and Eckhart Tolle Walk Into a Bar…

Cuban: “We need more entrepreneurs to break up monopolies.”

Tolle: [sips tea] “Ah, yes. But first, they must awaken from the illusion of separateness.”

Cuban: “Right. But also, they need to scale.”

A New Age of Enlightenment
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Dan is living proof that didn’t work for you contains within it the building materials for creating something that does. In this conversation, we talk about the difference between being a controlling leader and a liberating one and how both show up in organizational culture.

A Conversation with Dan Dowman