
So I’m on Substack. I have no followers and not much to say.

Except that I love writing. I have wrote stories my whole life. I moved from fiction to self help books, made money off my writing, now I have returned to fiction…And making zero money.

I do love fiction. There’s also too much of it out there.

So how does one stand apart from others?

I’m uncertain about the answer.

Maybe some who reads my stuff can tell me my style of writing sometime and how I stand out.

Currently, I’m in the ‘Laszlo the Gargoyle’ world. It is a ton of fun. Maybe not the greatest read for adults. Sometimes I feel my material is a bit contrived possibly derivative in the tropes sense, it's funny how collectively we fall into also sorts writing traps. Example I do too much to my stories. Why do I have so many characters? What does Laszlo evoke semi-magic sometimes and other times he’s just ordinary. Why to I make the antagonist like Zod from Superman?

Why does no one kill Gottlieb or Draco (my Zod).

In any case, I will stop here.

At some point my stories will have a body of work and maybe I’ll figure out from this and others what my style is and what I even like write about.

And a note to my future self. Check back ten years from now to make sure the following stories have been completed.

  • The Conch

  • Kirby Brink (untitled backstory)

  • The Entity

  • The Escape…Needs a better title.

Bye for now!
