
The app for independent voices


Today I start using Substack

I used to like Twitter but always felt very constrained by the 144 limit

This brought problems for the irony-challenged, who misunderstood a lot of what I was trying to say

This is a particular problem for me because I seem to be regarded as ‘on the left’ by people on the right, and' ‘on the right’ by people on the left

Apparently this makes me controversial, and therefore box office poison

Our whole stupid fallen world is bent on praising your fallen nature and demonizing the struggle you must engage in if you are to be happy. “You be you” is bad advice because you are an idiot. Rather, put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to gratify its desires.

"Mama Mona's standard for healing was love: L-0-V-E. Love conquers all. She has always warned the healers she trains against their own tempers and dark moods that hang on and on. She says, 'Do not go to bed before cleansing your consciousness, particularly the centering of your spirit. Only thereafter can the spirit of God pour into you.…

You made it, you own it

You always own your intellectual property, mailing list, and subscriber payments. With full editorial control and no gatekeepers, you can do the work you most believe in.

Pray for the pope. And am I canceled?

Wake-up call to Larry Ellison: We don't need AI robots to build nanotechnology mRNA vaccines to "cure cancer." We already have cancer cures. Ty and Charlene Bollinger, and Ed Group, and myself, Sayer Ji and a slew of other people have been talking about these cures for years, and we have been maliciously CENSORED for a decade by technocrats and government tyrants. Instead of AI robots with nanotech mRNA vaccine jabs, we only need FREE SPEECH, because Mother Nature already provides the cures in …

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In Bolivia, the fear of one's mother and her sandal is installed at a young age so that they remember it when they become policemen.