The app for independent voices

The four main reasonsWorld Government is using Weather Weapons in this 5th generational warfare attack on the world wide population is to;

  • (1); Relocate populations,

  • (2); Destroy infrastructure

  • (3); Build World Government United Nations “Smart Cities” in replace of what they destroyed with Weather Weapons for total digital command and control of the population through the use of advanced technology and A.I.

    • The implementation of what I call the new “Digital Monetary Surveillance System Economy (DMSSE Crypto)”

  • (4); Implement new technology/infrastructure/living quarters

The Eugenicists make war with unsuspecting weather weapons, not tanks or planes.

The Eugenicists destroy infrastructure with unsuspecting weather weapons, not tanks and planes, in order to “BUILD BACK BETTER

California Attacked with Weather Weapon for Smart City "Build Back Better"
Jan 11
4:27 AM