
, what's your writing process?

This is the chunky Moleskine notebook where I note most ideas, paragraphs, whole chapters of TBAKAIC (the book also known as “Il Coso” — which means “The Thing”… because I haven't decided for a title as of yet).

Sometimes, when I go out for a passeggiata (ciao

! 😄), aka a stroll, or a promenade, if you speak Bridgerton English, if an idea comes to me I also take notes on either my mobile phone or on whatever piece of paper I can find around (on the back of a receipt, on a napkin, on the border of any magazine or newspaper lying around in that very moment…) because this dedicated notebook is too cumbersome to fit in a small cross shoulder bag (which at most can contain my mobile, my home keys, a wallet, a pen, and my public transport card — if I take along more than that, the passeggiata would become a powerlifting training session, and thanks, but no thanks 😅), let alone in a pocket.

You might think I could find a smaller, pocket-sized notebook to bring around with me, and you would be absolutely right, if only I didn't use this notebook also for sketching characters in detail, and when I say sketching I mean drawing, and unfortunately I can't draw small. My bad. I could perhaps learn to… but truth is I like drawing large and in detail. Heh. 🤷🏻‍♀️

Anyway, I'm digressing… I'd just like to know: what's your writing process? Do you take notes by hand or only write on a computer or with a typewriter or on a tablet? Do you also sketch/draw your characters (I think it was

who posted a drawing of a possible character here on Notes the other day? 🤔) and/or your settings (rooms, buildings, landscapes…)? Do you take pictures of people or places that inspired your writing?

I'm really curious! 😊
