
PhD ornithology UW, parrot researcher, SciComm journalist & writer. Currently: Forbes. Formerly: The Guardian. Formerly: AMNH & Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center Bookworm & recluse. Atheist & Vegan Ⓥ 4B
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American crows: the ultimate angry birds?

drawing by Norwegian cartoonist Christian Bloom was awarded as «Newspaper drawing of the year» in 2017.

the more things change, the more they stay the same, eh?

#politics #FastistAmeriKKKa #fascism #Nazis #plutocracy #oligarchy #EatTheRich #TradeWars #Canada

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the trump sandwich is now being sold in canada …

#politics #FastistAmeriKKKa #fascism #Nazis #plutocracy #oligarchy #EatTheRich #TradeWars #Canada