Thanks for comments and ollowing my Substacks. Children who end up as adult bullies can be identified quite early in childhood.
They push the limits and get away with whatever they can. No school anti-bully program can do more than help the victims. Look at Trump, his childhood anti-social behavour led to being sent to military school and…
We must try our damned best to keep from succumbing to despair and to cope with anxiety in healthy ways. This won't be easy. No, as the saying goes, a walk ijn the park. It is more a walk though a mine field. This will be a long haul. As I noted elsewhere, it took the Allies years to build up the military strength until D-Day.
I want to share the first article published in a non-partisan newspaper warning about the dangerous psychopathology of Donald Trump. It was written by clincial psychologist John D. Gartner and titled "Donald Trump's malignant narcissism is toxic." It was published on May 4, 2017.
At that time, Gartner and others weren't quite sure how utt…