
The app for independent voices

Detail of “The Last Supper” by Chen Yuandu

If you're in the business of journalism, and you care about the truth, you will actually have to fight with your audience from time to time. If you don't - you're not actually in the business of journalism - you're a confirmation bias service provider.

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Joe Biden and the Autopen

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What’s the 2028 Vatican ecclesial assembly?

The Reluctant Cook by Ethelind Fearon was published in the UK in 1961. This isn’t the kind of cookbook I can actually use, but I do love the fabulous cover featuring a stylish 60’s housewife enjoying a martini and a cigarette while pots boil on the stove. On the inside cover you can see her husband sitting across from her enjoying his bo…

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recommending a Lenten discipline of examining our participation in the water system the week we get a rain barrel

The Pollutants in Our Lives