Blog #04
Yes,I'm coping with reality.
I now understand why Trump was re-elected.
The Democrats didn't make their pitch to Black and Brown people well heard.
Particularly Black and Latino men. Including my brother. He ultimately voted for Trump. He felt ignored and left behind by Democrats.
Add in the economy.
THAT was why he got voted back in.
I'm 63. I've seen lots of crap in my lifetime.
Those jobs in the Rust Belt?
Those jobs went away over 50 years ago. During the Nixon and Ford administrations. The Watergate era.
Those jobs and high pay have never returned.
Automation. Outsourcing. Technology. That's what killed those jobs. Not politics.
Instead,low-wage jobs in retail and food service replaced them in many cases.
We've had recessions and economic booms for generations.
You can't put the blame on a president.
It all comes down to supply and demand.
Remember economics class in college?
Let's see what happens in the next 4 years.
As for women's rights and what people of color will endure?
That's in the next blog.