
I am lying in wait...

By Sunday 16th June at 9am the Met Office Hadley Centre will have published the central England June temperature data for the first two weeks.

I've programmed an automated batch file that will take this data and, within 10 seconds flat, will generate a whole load of slides and stats so we can see how the first 14 days are faring compared to the same two weeks dating all the way back to 1772 - and all while I munch on buttered toast!

I can't wait.

We've been dealt a cold June and, after all that Met Office tripe about the warmest May on record, I can't wait to rub what may turn out to be amongst the coldest Junes on record in their faces.

But does this matter? After all is said and done we are only wrangling over spring temperatures in central England in 2024 and not the history of the whole world since 1850. For me it matters because it highlights the gaslighting that is going on by those in authority, it highlights the abuse of statistics by those in authority, and it highlights the fact that global warming isn't global, neither is it necessarily warming anymore. In a nutshell even a modest study such as this can expose the globalist narrative.

What's rather interesting is that this weeny note about my tiddly study has gathered a fair few views and shares; more than any other of mine. It's also attracted the attention of those who prefer to ridicule rather than understand.

Coming out at 3pm BST on Friday 14 June will be the first of a new series that I’m rather excited about, and I’ll be going big and looking at the HadCRUT5 global anomaly - see you then!

Kettle On!
