
Misplaced Enthusiasm

A bod called BumbleBee who writes BumbleBee’s Substack has re-stacked a recent note of mine rather sarcastically. Looking at their output they obviously mean well and are partly awake, but they’re not fully awake to what is actually going on.

After my morning hot lemon tea I decided that a reply was in order, though my default policy is to reach for the blocking spanner. Herewith that reply for those who might be curious…

Yes indeed, I am only wrangling over spring temperatures in central England in 2024 and not the history of the whole world since 1850 because right now I’m investigating a peculiarly British problem.

For me this small slice of cake matters because it serves to highlight the gaslighting that is going on by those in authority, it highlights the abuse of statistics by those in authority, and it highlights the fact that global warming isn't global, neither is it necessarily warming anymore. In a nutshell even a modest study such as this can expose the globalist narrative. If you and your subscribers would like to read a little about my background they can do so here...

If they'd like further insight into the global situation they might like to consider subscribing to my substack where I lift the bonnet on temperature extremes, heat deaths and all the rest from a former government gamekeeper turned poacher...

Everything is not fine and I've been behind more closed doors at the highest levels of government than you've had hot dinners, but with the OSA binding my mouth I have to be careful what I do, what I say and what I reveal. Understanding will serve you better than ridicule.

You mention record temperatures in parts of India and Pakistan, and fierce cold/heat where you live. How about I take a look at these areas using NOAA's GHCNd land surface station data so we can see trends for temperature maxima and minima instead of making assumptions?

As for temperature maxima in England I've already covered that in several articles using a variety of official sources, and the reality here is not what you assume. If you scan my archive of 143 articles you'll see that I've also analysed global mean land and sea surface temperatures as well as those for the northern hemisphere, southern hemisphere, Arctic and Antarctic, with more studies coming up every week.

This last week I've been analysing the HadCET central England Temperature Record for an issue that concerns us Brits, hence my note on… the central England Temperature Record. This afternoon I kick off a new article series on variability within the climate record and I start with the HadCRUT5 global mean anomaly.…

I’m so pleased to know that central England is the whole of our entire planet.

Where I live, we’re gearing up for an above average fire season thanks to another year of prolonged cold spring rain now moving into early fierce heat and dry weather. All the apricot trees have nearly…
