
Exactly. I’m a “legitimate” Green advocate, and this is how to tell the difference between the whores of Crap gReEn Science and Legitimate GREEN Science:

Good GREEN Science sense:

1– Co2 is GOOOD, and though we don’t necessarily need to raise the amount of carbon dioxide, it would be a great benefit to all O2 producing plants—which the monsters have cut down and destroyed—if Co2 levels increased, which is a good thing.

2–Energy is Abundant and nobody should be telling you it’s scarce or which version is the best to burn, convert or transform into electricity, only that all of it can be plugged into a superconductor/capacitor electric distribution system, most locally built, and connected across each country for an unlimited supply at ZERO cost to the individual—other than cheap fair sales tax for all, poor to rich (no income tax necessary—which is another fraud) to build and maintain that legitimate electric grid system for all (which also doubles as a free communications system and cleans all water for free as well).

3–Green is a beautiful color—when not being used by monsters (bought politicians) to divide people up—and represents my favorite of all gasses: Oxygen. My second favorite: Hydrogen. My third: Carbon Dioxide.

4–Purple is my favorite color: the color of legitimate farmers (FFA—the Future Farmers of America) using clean water, organic regenerative methods free of GMO’s, free of manmade chemicals (herbicides & pesticides), and free of antibiotics & evil vaccination protocols.

Shit green science can always be identified by:

1– anyone controlling the junk-science narratives and debates; anyone looking over your shoulder to spy, shame, ban, fail, torture or murder you to believe what they call science truths.

the green grift is not about solving problems
it's about making them permanent because that's where the money is