Got a lump in my throat over this essay this morning (about another favorite essay.) Someday, I’ll write something about how Tolkien’s fantasy world has had very real importance to my real life and my own not very fantastic writing (at least, my post-industrial landscape is nothing like Middle Earth, though I think there are some whiffs of romanticism in my book that will annoy some sectors, probably, lol.) But today, I was mostly moved that what he set out to do with his writing he DID do in such a powerful way. I’ll never be Tolkien, but it’s something to aspire to.

"There are other things more grim and terrible to fly from than the noise, stench, ruthlessness, and extravagance of the internal-combustion engine. There are hunger, thirst, poverty, pain, sorrow, injustice, death"
Embracing Reality by Escaping to Faërie
9:42 AM
Oct 23