Jenn M. Jackson, PhD 

Jenn M Jackson is an abolitionist, a political scientist, and genderflux lesbian committed to Black liberation. Author of Black Women Taught Us (2024) and Policing Blackness (2025). Co-host of That Black Couple Podcast. Columnist at Yes! Mag.
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Black Feminist Book Club #3: Sisters of the Yam: Black Women and Self-Recovery By bell hooks

I received an email from a colleague I have never met today letting me know that my book, BlackWomenTaughtUs, was the subject at his church last Sunday.

My book is about being a Black queer and trans person on a journey to discover Black Feminism. I wrote this book for and to my mother, my grandmothers, my aunts, and all the Black women w…

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This is not the time for "we can't," "that's unrealistic," or "it's too much."

It's time to be imaginative about how we produce and consume media. It's time to write, read, and support scholars, experts, and content creators from marginalized populations. It's time to REALLY be about that telling true stories life.

We MUST own our stories…