
As I mentioned in What is Quality Engineering:

Quality means different things to different people

Therefore, it would help if you asked people what they value. So, what were the developer's top three quality attributes? Structure, readability and documentation.

Now, I would have hoped that Testability was higher, but it was in 6th place. But this makes sense. When trying to understand the code you will be working with, what’s the first thing you will do? Dive in and see what it does for yourself, so structure and readability will be essential. Then, when you’ve exhausted that angle, you’ll probably go hunting for the documentation.

You might only start trying to run the tests once you plan to make some changes to it. This is what testability helps you do: understand if the code still does what you expect it to do.

This also makes me wonder how much developers trust tests written by others. My hunch is not very much.

So, as Abi says, if you want to understand what code quality attributes your developers value, ask them because quality means different things to different people. It doesn’t matter what code metrics you use to measure the quality. What matters is what people think, as they are the ones who have got to work with it.

“code quality is a fundamentally human property”
Characteristics of Code Quality