
I want to write more about this in the days ahead.

When Donald Trump was asked how 1,000 Americans dying a day could possibly mean Covid was “under control” he said, “it is what it is.”

So forgive me if I don’t give a flying fuck about how hard it is to sit in a cold courtroom.

When a military widow was mourning the loss of her husband, Trump told her “he knew what he had signed up for.”

So forgive me if I don’t give a fuck about how embarrassing it is to trend for publicly passing gas in the middle of publicly passing out.

While a rabid mob of Trump crazed zombies beat our Capitol police with their own shields, tased them and sprayed them with chemicals, he sat and watched it unfold on tv.

So forgive me if I don’t give a fuck about how much endurance sitting in a chair with your mouth shut requires.

When a beautiful young boy nicknamed “Smiley” was murdered in his school, Trump said we had to “get over it.”

So forgive me if I don’t give a fuck about how challenging it is to stay awake when grownups are discussing the crimes you committed.

When a young woman was killed, Trump lied about personally speaking with her family because he didn’t actually give a shit about any of them & just wanted to use her death for fear mongering propaganda.

So forgive me if I don’t give a fuck about him maybe missing his trophy wife’s kid’s graduation.

He golfed and tweeted while refrigerator trucks piled up with bodies. He ate lunch while the men and women defending our Capitol were nearly crushed to death. He joked when Paul Pelosi was attacked by a man with a hammer. He has intentionally stoked, poked, primed and prodded the cult to commit acts of violence against his foes and their families. He’s pardoned some of the most viscous, evil creatures on earth while praising despots & dictators as being “strong” at the same time. He fell “in love” with Otto Warmbier’s murderer, and became BFF’s with Khashoggi’s.

So please forgive me if I don’t give a single, solitary flying fuck about how much personal fortitude it requires for him to sit his criminal conman, racist, rapist fat ass down in a goddamn chair in between feeding times four fucking times a week.

Because I really, really do not give a motherfucking fuck about how “hard” he thinks he has it because at this particular moment in time, the worst consequence he’s ever faced for his lifetime of depravity, is to have to sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up for a couple of hours a couple of days a week.

Forgive me but I just can’t seem to find a single goddamn fuck to give.
