Recognize. Remove. Return.

I would add one more: Reenvision.

As an engineer, I deeply believe in the power of technology to foster human flourishing. And yet, there are many instances where it does not. When it comes to digital technology in particular, we’re just now beginning to fully comprehend some of the unfortunate side effects.

The conversation is nuanced: digital devices are not harmful in every situation, but the general tendency toward everywhere and always is not healthy for us.

, one of my favorite thinkers in the area of technology urges us to use our technological artifacts as instruments for a specific purpose instead of omnipresent devices without a specific end in mind.

As we continue to see digital devices proliferate, it will be increasingly important for us and the communities to which we belong to develop a philosophy of technology to use technology in ways that foster our collective and individual flourishing.

Thanks for the thoughtful post,

and !

The 3Rs of Unmachining: Guideposts for an Age of Technological Upheaval
"The Look of Silence", a scandalous proposal, and a practical beginning