
The Rams running 2-Roll to the Jets' Wilson (5).

Show Cover 3, 'roll' to Cover 2.

“Contemporary society is overrun with self-proclaimed “poets” who relish in the title yet produce very little poetic fire. Much of what parades as poetry these days reeks of self-pitying confessions dressed up in the garb of “artistic expression.” It fixates on the temporal and panders to the superficial trends and fragile sensitivities …

What Does it Mean to Be a Poet? (and why today's poetry is so awful)

Today’s walk.

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and are constantly saying in comments that they are buying the books I feature. (Note to self: Get affiliate links going already, Sari! Note back to self: But it’s a time consuming pain!) I also keep bugging leadership, suggesting they start a print self-publishing arm.

I have a hunch that substack is going to become a major driver of literary fortunes. When people recommend a book here, I actually read it. I cannot be alone in that. It's like BookTok but for highbrow books.
