J. Rose 

Retired New Yorker and Art school grad

As long as it's been a democratic republic, the U.S.A. has deliberately not established an ‘official language’, an ‘official religion’ or an ‘official party’. Diversity, equality and inclusion have been its essential ingredients.

To remove those ingredients and rule that English, Christianity, whiteness and Maga-publicanism are what represent the American ideals and to imply that anything other than those is inferior…absolutely contradicts what comprises a democratic, free and humane republic.

To the increasingly disappointed, angry, now-suffering, hungry, diseased, former supporters of DJT…

March, shout, vote…and, like Al Green, join the vocal opposition and raise Cane!

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The next few years will mark America's transition into two major new ‘teams’: Constitutionalists vs. Trumpists.

Most of us know which ‘team’ is similar to the ‘Redcoats’ of American history.