“So perhaps the problem is cultural; we’re lacking new, positive, visions of the future that put humans at the centre without disconnecting us from our natural origins.”

My response: the idea that humans belong at or deserve to be or should be at the center is the very mistake that’s brought us to today — isolated and alienated from the very environment that birthed us and in which we evolved. Being at the center means disconnection from “our natural origins.”

Our narcissistic insistence to occupy the center of this vast, marvelous web of life has resulted in our only home being threatened by irreversible climate change, mass extinctions, social unrest, rising autocracy, etc. The dream of humans being better than nature and rising above it all via our technology is dangerously misguided.

Pretty dark thought for a Sunday, but it needed to be said.

Some notes on the aesthetic of progress
Progress art as harmony between technology and nature