
Happy Independence Day!

“Here’s the thing, though. The American Revolution was fought explicitly to overthrow the tyranny of the monarchy. A monarchy this piece of shit is trying to restore. So we know the sides in this second revolution. We’re the Americans fighting for their freedom and they’re the redcoats.

How’d that work out for you the last time, you rat bastard? We said, “No!” to the rule of kings and you assholes made it bloody, just like you’re threatening to do now. Being Americans, and a rather bloody-minded lot, we killed so many of you that you ran like the little bitches you are back across the Atlantic.

The difference, of course, is that this time you won’t be running back to England. You’ll be going a little further east, to Russia, you fucking traitors.”

Declare Your Independence From King Trump
And the complicit media that enables him.