
Just some of my mum’s original art I’m giving away with full annual subscriptions to my page this week (you also get a signed hardback of my latest novel).

Details (and an extract):

The Don't Mind Me Decade

“Writing is utter solitude, the descent into the cold abyss of oneself.”

― Franz Kafka

“I don’t know a single person of 70 or older who is not astonished that they, too, have grown old. At 78, I’m still absorbing this idea myself, and I announce my age a lot, in sheer disbelief. (I’ll confess it’s gratifying when people feign shock at the number.)” -

in .

The Weird Surprise of Growing Old

Tomorrow’s post is a conversation with


Here’s a quick preview. I asked him why we medicalize more symptoms today that we may not have worried about in the past.

Here’s what he said.

Hint: it has to do with patient expectations, time, pharmaceutical marketing, disease cut points, and more.

This massive Gunnera is failing resolutely in its attempts to be inconspicuous while trying to sneakily move this old Cornish bridge to a new location.

Day 16

Who is this, all jolly in August? She is the reason why we can’t see out of any of our windows here in this cottage.

Here’s Meg, Rosa ‘Meg’, who sounds like she should be the subject of a poem. By whom, though? I remember learning by heart ‘Meg Merrilies’ by John Keats (Learning poems by heart - there’s another conversation we reall…
