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How to brainwash your mind in next 7 days:

  1. Wake up and don't look at your phone for 1 hour.

  2. Drink 3 litres of water every day.

  3. Do your most important task in the morning.

  4. Exercise at least 1 hour per day.

  5. Replace social media with knowledge books.

How to brainwash your mind in next 7 days:

  1. Wake up and don't look at your phone for 1 hour.

  2. Drink 3 liters of water every day.

  3. Do your most important task in the morning.

  4. Exercise at least 1 hour per day.

  5. Replace social media with knowledge books.

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Republicans, Do Not Get Distracted by the Rage
Rendezvous with Catastrophe

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The strongest man in the room is often the quietest. He has nothing to prove. No need for validation. No desire to impress. His presence alone speaks for him. Be that man.

Drug overdoses have been killing Americans and lowering life expectancy since before the Covid19 scamdemic - why does Pierre Kory dismiss this real pandemic? Progressive Paul Krugman warned us in December 2019.

Didn't Pierre Kory also dismiss the drug overdose that killed George Floyd and instead blamed the LEO, causing millions of dollars in destruction of property and loss of life, fueling the hatred spread by race pimps?

I see a pattern with Pierre Kory dismissing the drug overdose pandemic - perhaps it doesn't pay as well as poisoning Americans with Ivermectin or over oxygenation. Follow the money.

“The actuarial reports can only speculate on the factors causing these deaths, including oft-cited delayed health care, drug overdoses and even weather patterns. But the question remains: What explains this ongoing wave of excess deaths?”

What is killing people?
1 Restack
Dec 11
3:12 PM