
The app for independent voices

MAGA folks are fooled if they believe the United States continues to hold the cards in the same way we did in the decades after 1945. American power is being overshadowed by that of China and its allies. I don’t like it, but it’s a fact. I would argue that America has become the least historically conscious nation on the planet. Why does that matter? For this reason: a nation that knows its history, its origins, its identity, and is simultaneously motivated by a desire to defend that history an…

I note Trump has made English the official language of America

He needs to be careful. It he demands that it be spoken properly, he will lose most of his voters

America Needs Some Guts

We Have Discovered How Craven and Cowardly Our Leaders Are

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Amid Italian crisis, Roman priests urged to support housing fund

What’s stopping you from taking your coffee like this?

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