
Done this now.

But, since no one can see it, it feels a little like writing something and tucking it in the cupboard. So, here it is. Interested to see other people’s too if you want to share….

Litter is about the things we leave behind — and how they connect. Daily encounters with people, places and ideas refract through a lens of words, language, the natural and built worlds, history, archaeology, geology, art museums and books — and all the other detritus and residue of lives lived. The Notebooks, based on a true story of exams, sex, adventure, travel, youthful folly and failing expectations, as told by a female student in Oxford, explores what remains of the past. What is left?

hey y’all! this is a new feature we’re testing that lets you control how your publication is described whenever we need to describe it; that can be on Substack surfaces (leaderboards, hover cards, search results) or external ones (we can send that description to Google e.g.).

