I read the story of Zacchaeus to my son last night.
He asked me what taxes are, and I told them that’s something we pay to the government. He asked me what the government was, and I told him that’s the organization in charge of America, and I pointed to a map of the USA on his wall.
I asked him, “Do you know who the president is?”
He said, “No.”
So I told him, “It’s a guy named Donald Trump.”
And Ezra said, “That’s almost like Donald Trumpet.”
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Gracias a Dios me acaba de contactar la agencia migratoria ICE para informarme que esta noche van a soltar al joven migrante a quien le pague la fianza esta mañana 🙏 Así que ahora estoy a punto de partir hacia el centro de detención para recogerlo y llevarlo con su familia… Que alegría que después de 3 semanas detenido finalmente estará con su madre en libertad nuevamente ❤️